Participate in TeCHS
We are glad you found us and hope you will join our Heritage Spanish community!
Este es un espacio para los instructores de español que quieran colaborar, compartir y comunicarse con colegas sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del español como lengua de herencia.
If you have found yourself searching for, adapting, or creating materials for your heritage classes because of a lack of readily available commercial resources, the Texas Coalition for Heritage Spanish is your place!
How to Participate and Connect with Us
- Attend a TeCHS Workshop or Webinar
Join other educators at our annual workshop or frequent webinars on SHL topics. See our upcoming events page or previous workshops for more information. - Share or Review Heritage Spanish Materials
Submit your openly-licensed SHL materials (syllabi, activities, lessons, etc.) to be shared on this website or learn how to become a reviewer. - Follow our Facebook Page
Discuss topics relevant to instructors of Spanish as a heritage language on our Facebook page. Los comentarios en inglés o en español son bienvenidos. - Join our Email List
Subscribe to stay up-to-date on new resources and professional development events of interest to the Heritage Spanish community.
“After participating in the TeCHS workshop I am full of amazing ideas for the coming year, as well as increased confidence in what I have been doing. Sharing so many great ideas serves to affirm and inspire all of us present.”
2019 Workshop Participant
“I would strongly recommend the workshop to my colleagues because is a rich , challenging, empowering and stimulating meeting, where even a tired old teacher can recharge batteries for the coming school year.”
2022 Workshop Participant
“I truly enjoyed the presentation and the opportunity to break into small groups too. “
2021 Webinar Participant
“It was great! I loved the breakout rooms and the chance to come back and discuss our ideas.”
2023 Webinar Participant