St. Edward’s University

Institution: St. Edward’s University
Department: Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Contact Person:  Emily Bernate (

About the Program: St. Edward’s University offers one intermediate-level heritage Spanish course within the Spanish language and literature course sequence. However, more than 75% of the students receiving a major or minor in Spanish are heritage learners. The substantial percentage of heritage learners in our program also directs the way we teach our core classes on grammar and writing. Our grammar course focuses on the validation of language variation in the United States, and our writing course uses a textbook designed for heritage learners.

Courses offered in the heritage program: 

  • SPAN 2354 – Spanish for Heritage Learners: This course offers intermediate-level heritage learners an overview of topics in grammar, spelling, reading, culture, and communication skills. The course is part of the university’s General Education program and fulfills the Diverse American Perspectives requirement. In previous semesters, students have collaborated with local high school students and have conducted community service projects. The main goal of this course is to instill confidence in intermediate-level learners so that they can perform successfully in advanced language courses in the program.