Presenters: Dr. Flavia Belpolity (T A&M U), Dr. Jocelly Miners, Ph.D. (UT Austin), Sarah Sweeney (UT-COERLL)
This session will introduce activities, collaborative projects, and resources created by members of the Texas Coalition for Heritage Spanish (TeCHS), hosted by COERLL (Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning). TeCHS is a highly collaborative community of practice that brings together researchers and language instructors from diverse educational contexts to support the success of Spanish Heritage speakers and their communities. Among its main activities, TeCHS supports the creation and dissemination of OER, which serve to alleviate the current limited resources available for teaching Heritage Spanish in the US.
Participants will receive access to materials developed in the past four years, including lesson plans, classroom activities, and assessments, to be adapted to their particular contexts.
In addition, the session will showcase a set of training modules for pre- and in-service teachers of Spanish who plan to work with Heritage Speakers.
For more information visit here