Carmen Flores


Full Name

Carmen Flores

Professional Title


School or Place of Work

Killeen ISD

What Level Do You Teach?

Middle School (Introductory Span and Spanish 1)

Approx. Percentage of Heritage Spanish Students at Your Institution


How Has Spanish Played a Role in Your Personal and Professional Life?

Knowing the Language has opened many opportunities to meet a lot of people and be able to learn about their cultures first hand. There is that language connection that transcends any cultural difference. Other than teaching, knowing Spanish has been useful in being able to serve as a translator to assist other people in bridging the communication gap.

How Long Have You Been Teaching?

7 yrs

More About Me

I am originally from Puerto Rico, but have lived most of my life in the states, specifically in Texas. I love to travel and to be immersed in other cultures. I love languages because I feel it gives you a deeper connection to people.

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