
  • Jocelly Meiners posted an update in the group Heritage Spanish Café 6 years ago

    @group Buenos días a todos. A few days ago, Chris Cashman posted an interesting question on our forum but he hasn’t received any responses. We realized that no one is getting notified when there is a new post, so please from now on, when you post to the forum, type @group before the message, and that will ensure that everyone gets notified. Below is Chris’s question, in case anyone would like to answer:
    “What are your favorite novels / short novels that you teach with your heritage students that are originally in Spanish (so not ‘Cajas De Carton’, ‘La Casa En La Calle Mango’, or ‘Cuando Era Puertorriqueña´)?”

    • Thanks so much, @jmeiners! I really would like to hear what others are doing. I think that we’re shortchanging our students by putting translated literature in front of them all the time, and yet it seems like these types of work are everyone’s favorites.

    • @group I use chapters from Caramelo by Cisneros (don’t think that is a translation from English). I have also seen syllabi that use Balun Canan by Rosaura Castellanos and Pedro Parramo by Rulfo. Unfortunately, several well-known authors admit that they are not comfortable enough to write in Spanish. Hope this helps.

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